Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Energizing low power WSN using Microstrip Antennas at GSM-900 band


The global demand for "green" Technology  is driving a new generation of low-power Wireless sensor networks. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are being developed for use in remote sensor-based systems, for both industrial and control applications. This article presents an RF energy system that can harvest energy from the ambient surroundings at the downlink radio frequency range(935.2MHz – 959.8MHz) of GSM-900 band. The harvesting system provides an alternative source of energy for energizing low sensor networks. The system design consists of three modules: two E-shaped patch antennas, a pi-matching network and a 7-stage voltage doubler circuit. All the three modules can be fabricated on a single printed circuit board. Previous harvesting systems constitute a single antenna, so the output power is considerably low. In this system, two Microstrip antennas are used to receive the RF signal and therefore the combined power of the two antennas is much higher than the previous system. The harvester nearly produces a voltage of 6V for a received signal of -27dBm. This voltage is enough to power a wireless sensor system.          
The antenna applied here was an E-shaped single patch from the conventional wide band microstrip antennas. The antenna is designed and optimized to capture the energy from the ambient at a downlink radio frequency range of GSM-900 band. In order to expand its bandwidth, two parallel slots are incorporated into this patch. The pi matching network is designed and optimized to provide an impedance matching for the antenna. The feed line is appropriately positioned on the upper leg of the E-shaped patch antenna as shown in Figure 1. The slot length, width, and position are important parameters in controlling the achievable bandwidth. Traditionally, the property of the patch antenna is suitable for narrow bandwidth applications. The challenge here is to make the patch antenna for the wideband energy harvesting environment. The antenna design required to look into the permittivity or dielectric constant of the substrate, width, length of the patch antenna and the ground plane. The permittivity of the substrate plays a major role in the overall performance of the antenna.

2. Matching Network:
            The matching network in the geometry was designed to provide a good impedance match for complex load (RF-DC convertor) impedance 63-j117 Ω to source (antenna) impedances 377 Ω to transform maximum power from the source to the load. The output of the pi matching network is directly connected to the input of RF-DC converter circuit.

3. RF-DC Conversion Module:
The An energy conversion module is a voltage doubler circuit used to convert the harvested energy from ambient radio frequency into DC voltage. The design contains stages of the Villard voltage doubler circuit. A 7-stage Schottky diode voltage doubler circuit is designed, modeled, simulated, fabricated and tested. Multisim is used for the modeling and simulation. Simulation and measurement were carried out for various input power levels at the specified frequency band. The voltage multiplier circuit in this design uses zero bias Schottky diode HSMS-2850 from Agilent.
Each independent stage with its dedicated voltage doubler circuit can be seen as a single battery with open circuit output voltage V0, internal resistance R0.The number of stages in the system has the greatest e®ect on the output voltage. The capacitors, both in the stages and at the final stage of the circuit, affect the speed of the transient response and the stability of the output signal. The number of stages is essentially directly proportional to the amount of voltage obtained at the output of the system.
The simulation and practical implementation was done with fixed RF at 945 MHz ± 100 MHz, which is close to the down link center  radio  frequency  (947.5 MHz)  of GSM-900 band.    The  voltage obtained  at  the final node (VDC 7) of the  doubler  circuit  was recorded for various  input  power levels from 40 dBm  to +5 dBm  with  power level interval  (spacing)  of  5 dBm The  input  impedance  63-j117 Ω of the  voltage  doubler  is obtained  using the  network  analyzer.   This  63- j117 Ω was tested  from  900 MHz to  1000 MHz.   as the  antenna was designed for the down link radio frequency  range of GSM-900 band.

4. Step-up Circuit:
            A Booster converter (Step-up converter) is a DC-DC power converter with its output voltage greater than its input voltage.  It is a class of
switched-mode power supply (SMPS) containing at least two semiconductor switches (a diode and a transistor) and at least one energy storage element, a capacitor, inductor, or the two in combination. It is applied between the Energy conversion system and Load to successfully accomplish the load requirement.
Operating Principle:
(a) When the switch is closed, current flows through the inductor in clockwise direction and the inductor stores the energy. The polarity of the left side of the inductor is positive.
 (b) When the switch is opened, current will be reduced as the impedance is higher. Therefore, change or reduction in current will be opposed by the inductor. Thus the polarity will be reversed (means left side of inductor will be negative now). As a result two sources will be in series causing a higher voltage to charge the capacitor through the diode D.
·         The step-up circuit is used depending on Voltage requirement.

5. Load:
A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors  to monitor physical or environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, pressure etc. and pass the data to a corresponding control center.
A WSN is built of ‘nodes’- each having a transceiver, an electronic circuit for interfacing with the energy source usually a battery or from an energy harvester. Each node can be equipped with a power of less than 0.5- 2 amp-hour and 1-3V.
An example of such sensor node is a STLM20 temperature sensor. All the nodes in the network are connected to a master node through which the data is communicated and controlled     bidirectionally.

A novel 900MHz RF energy harvesting system for powering low power sensors has been analyzed and discussed.
            Firstly, two 377Ω E-shaped patch antenna with compacted size were implemented.
            Subsequently the pi matching network located in between the antennas and the RF-DC conversion module is designed to simulate and
implemented to provide a good match from the load to the source.
            The energy conversion module that comprises of 7-stage voltage doubler circuit with zero bias Schottky diodes was successfully implemented and found to be efficient in converting the RF signals captured by the antenna to the required DC output voltage for powering the WSN.
            Finally, a booster converter which can be applied based on the voltage requirement is discussed.